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Does Car Insurance Cover Salt Damage? 

Winters can be brutal on your ride if you live in a state where snow and ice are familiar sights and it is a challenge to drive for nearly half the year. It’s not just slipping and sliding on ice patches: There’s also the invisible damage being done by the road salt used to give your tires a better grip on the pavement. 

Does car insurance cover salt damage? Is there such a thing as road salt insurance? First, a better understanding of the problem. 

The Specifics of Salt Damage to Vehicles 

Road salt and metal go together like fire and water. If it’s left for long on the surface of the vehicle, the particles will wear through the protective paint job and corrode the metal. This mars the appearance and lowers the value of your car considerably. 

The roadside damage to cars isn’t just aesthetic. On the underside of your vehicle, the damage might be even more serious. The salt can eat away at your brake lines and exhaust system. That can be very expensive and make for a dangerous drive. And since you can’t typically see what’s going on under your car, it might look shiny and new on the surface and still be damaged where you don’t even think to look. 

Does Your Auto Insurance Cover Salt Damage? 

Unfortunately, you cannot file a salt damage insurance claim through your auto policy. There are basically two reasons why auto insurance policies don’t typically cover the rust and corrosion damage caused by road salt. In the first place, it’s considered normal wear and tear. The reasoning here is that insurance companies know that no vehicle will look like you drove it off the showroom five minutes ago when it’s two, three, or 10 years old. Things happen to create an acceptable level of wear and tear over time, and this minimal damage isn’t covered. 

The second reason is that insurance of all kinds covers the unexpected. If you have adequate coverage, you can file claims for collisions, theft, fire, and other sources of unanticipated loss or damage. Insurers say you can expect road salt damage to cars if you don’t take steps to avoid the threat, so there’s no salt damage coverage. 

So, what actions can you take to minimize the threat of salt damage? 

Taking Action to Protect Against Salt Damage 

In most northern cities, you’ll see salt trucks rumbling along most streets and highways even while the snow is still falling. This is your first clue that you’ll soon need to take action. 

It might not make much sense to wash your car while the salt is still being distributed. Wait it out. It doesn’t snow continuously in most places. Give it a day or two, then get to a car wash. You might have to do that a dozen times a winter, but it’s worth the time and cost if you want to save your ride from corrosion damage. 

Don’t forget the salt damage to your undercarriage. If your car wash offers a premium option with an undercarriage wash, take it every time. Even that added cost is a lot less expensive than having to get a new exhaust system because yours was worn away from corrosion. 

Also, keep in mind that just because you can’t buy road salt insurance, that doesn’t mean insurance won’t offer added protection for harsh winter conditions. 

Shovel with salt on snowy driveway

Assessing the Need for Comprehensive Coverage 

Severe weather can impact your car in a number of ways. That’s why insurance companies usually sell collision and comprehensive coverage benefits together. Collision covers the damage caused by road accidents. 

But not all car damage involves other parties — or even having the engine running. That’s why you need to know about comprehensive coverage. During icy northern winters, you might go out of control and slam into a curb, tree, or other object. You might hit a deer or other wildlife because you can’t brake on a slippery surface. You might not even get out of your driveway or parking lot without a tree limb heavy with snow breaking off and totaling your vehicle. 

Comprehensive benefits cover the multiple ways your car can be lost, damaged, or destroyed besides by collision with another vehicle. When bought together, collision and comprehensive benefits can save your wallet as you drive your way through another risky winter. 

While discussing comprehensive and collision benefits with your auto insurance agent, also ask about roadside assistance. This auto insurance policy benefit assures 24/7 help wherever you need it. 

Winter is the worst time to be stranded at the side of the road with a dead battery, flat tire, or serious damage from a wildlife collision. Whatever the cause, your roadside assistance operator will send you a mechanic to fix or tow your vehicle. You might find this especially appealing if you have young drivers in the family who you don’t want to even think about being stranded late at night. 

Get a grip on winter driving by taking all precautions behind the wheel and getting the insurance coverage that will protect your finances if accidents do occur. 

Protect Your Car From Salt Damage 

Winters can be brutal on your ride, but less so if you have the financial protection of Acceptance Insurance. Ask your Acceptance Insurance agent for affordable coverage to make you and your family feel safer and protect your pocketbook this coming winter. 

Call us at 877-405-7102 or get a quick online quote. You can also find an office near you to chat in person with an agent. 

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