Frequently Asked Questions
Telemedicine FAQs
Do I Need to Call from My Home?
No. You can call from anywhere as long as you have a device that offers the ability to see and be seen, and an internet connection. This is helpful if you are visiting family, for example, and your child becomes sick.
Does My Health Insurance Cover Telemedicine?
Some health insurance plans today do cover telemedicine services, often with the same copay as an in-person office visit, though this can vary depending on the specific plan and provider.
Does it Cost Extra to Use Telemedicine?
If you use it as part of your regular health insurance, you will be charged the same as an office visit copay. However, if you purchase a telemedicine plan that does not include a copay, you’ll have no additional costs for using the service.
Can I Get Prescriptions Using Telemedicine?
Yes. The medical professional you visit with is able to call prescription medicine in to treat your condition.
Will I Be Able to Ask Questions During a Telemedicine Session?
Yes. A telemedicine session is the same as being in the doctor’s office – only you are in your home. You can talk to the medical professional the same way you would in person, including asking questions.
What if I Need a Physical Exam?
In some cases, your telemedicine medical practitioner may not be able to diagnose you without a physical exam. In these cases, you will be directed to make an appointment to schedule an in-person visit.